M5Stack® DAC Module MCP4725 for Analog Signal Capture Converter Compatible M5StickC ESP32 Mini IoT Development Board Finger Computer
DAC_HAT is also a type of C-HAT specifically design for M5StickC controller. Same as DAC unit, this is a voltage output DAC converter for stickc. It can generate a voltage of 0 - 3.3V.
Packed with a DAC converter chip MCP4725, which is low-power, high accuracy, single-channel, 12-bit buffered voltage output Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) with a non-volatile memory (EEPROM). Its on-board precision output amplifier allows it to achieve rail-to-rail analog output swing.
The DAC input and configuration data can be programmed to the non-volatile memory (EEPROM) by the user using the I2C interface command. I2C address: 0x60
Product Features:
- M5StickC Compatible
- Output: 0 - 3.3V
- Software Development Platform: Arduino, UIFlow(Blockly, Python)
- MCP4725
- 12-BitResolution
- External A0 Address Pin
- NormalorPower-DownMode
- Fast Settling Time of 6 μs (typical)
- ExternalVoltageReference(VDD)
- Rail-to-RailOutput
- LowPowerConsumption
- Single-SupplyOperation:2.7V to 5.5V
- I2C Interface: address 0x60
- ExtendedTemperatureRange:-40°Cto+125°C
Package Included:
- 1x DAC HAT
- 1x 2 Pin 3.96 Pitch Terminal
- SetPointorOffsetTrimming
- SensorCalibration
- Closed-LoopServoControl
- LowPowerPortableInstrumentation • PCPeripherals
- DataAcquisitionSystems
- Datasheet - MCP4725
1.EasyLoader is a simple and fast program burner. Every product page in EasyLoader provides a product-related case program. It can be burned to the master through simple steps, and a series of function verification can be performed.(Currently EasyLoader is only available for Windows OS)
2.After downloading the software, double-click to run the application, connect the M5 device to the computer through the data cable, select the port parameters, click "Burn" to start burning. (For M5StickC burning, please Set the baud rate to 750000 or 115200)
1. Arduino IDE
To get complete code, please click here.
Pin Map:
M5StickC | GPIO0 | GPIO26 | 5V | GND |
HAT ADC | SDA | SCL | 5V | GND |
M5Stack® DAC Module MCP4725 for Analog Signal Capture Converter Compatible M5StickC ESP32 Mini IoT Development Board Finger Computer Buy Now